Jordy.B and I put the christmas tree up on Happy Thanks, she delegated and I got my Martha Stewart on. Totally raided the parental unit. My mom has issues with buying stuff in bluk when its on clearance, she has like 6 xmas trees (we usually put three up in the house) hella bows, lights, ornaments, and tree toppers, xmas paper and bows. I just went in there and pick and chose what i wanted. Jordyn picked up the gold and white Angel and said " mommy shes sooo beautiful!" and she wouldnt put her down, so gold bows it was with white lights, simple and classy. Of course id choose the tree that rotates and spits snow out the top right, pist that i had to vacum up all that styraphome snow that came spewing out the top, UNPLUGGED IT REAL QUICK.

[rapping elf mic check one two one two.. lol]
Anyway, Jordyn and I had a conversation the other day about Christmas. I told her that she is a very fortunate child and that in order for her to recieve new things she most give away some of her old things to children who are less fortunate. She was totally all aboout it, telling me what she is going to give and to who. She decided all her little toys can go to her twin cousins because shes not a baby anymore, and she will give away some of her baby dolls to little girls who dont have any baby dolls... get this . lol "so i can make room for more baby dolls santa is gonna bring me." lol. Shes cute. This weekend her dads family took her to see the Polar Express at the IMAX theatre. She was soo excited to come home and tell me about the funny glasses she had to wear, and to blow that annoying polar express whistle they gave her. Running around here blowing and screaming "ALLLL ABOARD!!" She also got to sit on santas lap and tell him what she wanted for Christmas, im sure her list was super long winded, cause everytime a commercial for a toy comes on she talking about "mommy can you get me this for Christmas?" I got half my shopping done for her, just a few more things... im thinkin hard about the Furreal Pet Pony Butter Scotch. She wants it soo bad, but im like dude, the dora vanity is already in her room, shes getting this huge dollhouse, where am i gonna put this 3 foot tall pony? hmmmm.

[joeys home aloe face.]
Monday i took all the gifts out my trunk and wrapped them, HMMMPPPH i totally suck and wrapping presents, i hate it. THE ODD SHAPED BOXES UUGHH totally pissed me off. Then i got tape stuck to me, my boxes were wrapped all baggy like. lol haha im pretty creative person, but wrapping is not my fortae'. Gift bags and Gas Gift Cards on mine for the rest of the people. So, Jordyn came home from school totally WIGGIN out, "oh my gosh mommy santa claus is real, he came and brought me my presents oh my gosh!" She tried to open them, and got uber butt hurt when i told her she had to wait 22 more days. She cried and said "but mommy i dont wanna wait i been good." lol I went in her closet and found a babydoll and puzzle she hasnt opened yet, and let her play with those, she was happy, and we added two more things to the give away toy box.

[silly butt gigglin and showin off her freshly painted nails by mommy]
Im super sad my mom and my lilo sister are going to the West Indies to visit my grandparents. I couldnt swang 18 hunned each for me and Joey. Im totally gonna miss Carinval and boxing day. No patties, no ginger beer, no fruit cake, no jerk, no curry goat, no dum dum fruit, no shaved ice, no good dutchie, no Caribbean Rum, no torquise water, and white sand beaches, no soccer with mu cousins, no boxing day, no mash'n up the street to the early morning. *sigh* next year.
I feel you on that I just moved into a house, I originally lived in a 2 bedroom apartment and I feel like there is no more in this 4 bedroom house lol. My daughter has the dora vanity in her room also, but I made the 4th bedroom a playroom and its full lol. NOTHING can fit in it.
I am going to steal your idea. Have them pick out toys they can give to less fortunate children. I usually just pick whateva and give it to salvation army. It will be good to get them involved in the mix.
merry christmas and happy new year!!! keep on keeping on girl!
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