
there was a young white woman standing on the corner looking about 5 months pregnant with a sign that read...
"Family in Need May God Bless You"

its raining and all she had was a scully cap and a sweater that barely covered her belly corduroys and sandals.

I handed her my loose bills. She smiled the brightest smile and said "God Bless You"

I wanted to open my door and let her in... get her out the rain... the light turned green and I left.

I rode all the way home in tears and the rain. With the harsh reality that I could easily be that woman on the corner. One of those things that make you even more thankful for what and who you have in life.


. said...

oh damn... thats nice of you tho.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

that was so kind

nikkiblanco said...

wow... yeah, we are all so blessed... and truth be told, there are many more out there worse off than her... :(

Unbreakable said...

That's so true, never take what you have for granted,because there is someone out there who would love to have it.

bkashawna said...

it was nice of you to give her money. and everyone takes what they have for granted. now me on the other hand i probably wouldnt give her money. because these days you can never tell what these people are up to. i mean there are actually people that use begging as a JOB and make more in a day then i do?

There is something wrong with that. and yes every time i see a homeless person on the street i feel bad but you never know how they got there.

i dont mean to sound harsh.

D. said...

Hello this is Derrick. That was nice of you to lend a helping hand. God will bless you for that. I would like to invite you to join my blog if you like to. May God bless you and your whole entire family.